We are currently looking for submissions for our next edition! Submissions for Edition Two close December 20, 2022.

Poetry: 50 line maximum 

Short writing (this can be stories, monologues, journal entries, etc.): 1500 word maximum 

Flash fiction: 750 word maximum

Visual art: photographs, paintings, drawings, etc. Please include orientation of artwork 

Book reviews: Pick one book you would like to review and rate it either overrated, underrated, or just right. Then write a review; 600 word maximum.

Movie reviews: Pick one movie you would like to review and rate it either overrated, underrated, or just right. Then write a review; 600 word maximum .

Song suggestions: Every publication of The Honey Bee will have a themed playlist! See above for current theme.

If you fit the above requirements, please fill out this form:

OR send an email to containing:

  • Name
  • Age
  • City
  • The title of your work
  • The genre your work fits under
  • Your work as an attachment or link