Short Stories


By Josie Frazier When I was ten years old my mother showed me a video of a little kid being attacked by a dog. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, watching the tiny phone screen in her hands. The gnashing teeth of the dog made me flinch and she wrapped her arms…


by Anonymous Edward spends as much time alone as he can. His ability to do so is restricted by the fact that he lives in the basement of the nightclub GroundZero where people often mistake his door for an entrance to the club. After an adolescence full of chaotic mornings and constant nagging from each…

Irish Ghost!

by Sylvia Ewart Full and content, the girl and her grandparents slowly exit the stone castle to return to their rooms after potatoes and roast, the crisp Irish air tickling their backs as they go. The granddaughter looks up above her at an entirely gray sky contentedly despite how unnatural the weather feels on a…

The Truth

by Josette Merenda The day I learned the truth started off as usual, though the sky looked like it had exploded there was somuch rain. As I trudged out to the school bus through the downpour, I took a bite of my once crispytoast, now soggy with rainwater. I gripped the cold metal railing as…

Choral Tradition

by Josie Frazier Every year I sat in church pews watching my brother perform. Eight performances, two weeks, sitting and watching through droopy eyes. One year when I was about seven years old a woman had a heart attack in the audience. As the EMTs burst through the door all the choirboys kept their eyes…