Welcome to The Honey Bee!

Hello everyone!

The Honeybee is currently accepting both regular submissions to this year’s first edition of the magazine and entries to the competition for the Honeybee’s cover art and logo.

Honeybee Regular Submissions:

-We accept entries from the following categories: poetry, short stories (both fiction and nonfiction), essays, visual art, book/movie review, and music

-Entries can be of any length, but we recommend under 1,000 words

-All submissions must follow Northwest School codes of conduct (please keep things respectful and appropriate)

-You are only able to submit your own work

-More than one submission is welcome

-Please email submissions to Camilla Lowe (calowe@northwestschool.org) and Eden Maher-Rose (edmaher@northwestschool.org)

-Submissions are due by April 1st

Honeybee Art and Logo Competition:

-All guidelines outlined above apply for the cover art competition except:

-Submissions to the art competition should interact with the theme of the Honeybee magazine, the Honeybee.

Thank you so much for reading this year’s first edition of The Honey Bee. To our writers and artists, thank you for contributing your work; our magazine wouldn’t be possible without you. We want The Honey Bee to be a place for anyone and everyone who wants to express themselves. To create a space like that we need feedback from the people who interact with our magazine. If you have sections you want to add, complements, or criticism, send them our way! We would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you so much to everyone who made this magazine possible. 

Until next time,

Camilla and Eden