The Truth

by Josette Merenda

The day I learned the truth started off as usual, though the sky looked like it had exploded there was so
much rain. As I trudged out to the school bus through the downpour, I took a bite of my once crispy
toast, now soggy with rainwater. I gripped the cold metal railing as I climbed the stairs into my bus. My
wet shoes squeaked as I walked to the back of the bus where my best friend was sitting.

“Hey, Amelia” I greeted her as I sat down.

“Huh? Oh. Uh, Hey Scarlet.” She replied absentmindedly. Amelia had been acting distracted and distant lately. I shrugged it off. I was sure it was nothing. She was probably just nervous about our geography test today. As we got off the bus, I asked Amelia if we were still going to
hang out tonight after school.

“Oh, yeah. Sure.” she answered distractedly. After school I got off at her bus stop and we walked to her house. While we were sitting on her bed Amelia looked up from the homework she had been working on.

“Hey, Scarlet?” she asked.

“Yeah, Amelia?”

“I’ve got to tell you something… We’re moving in three weeks.” Her words were like a wrecking ball to my brain. Amelia had been my friend for so long I couldn’t imagine life without her.

“Where?” I asked, my voice cracking. She took a deep breath.

“To California.”

“Will you come back?” I asked.

“No. My dad’s job is there now, so we won’t be coming back.

I’m sorry Scarlet.”

I couldn’t believe it. Amelia was leaving for good. This
explained why she had been so distracted lately. She wasn’t worried about the test; she was worried about moving to a whole new city in a completely different state. I didn’t know what to think. How long had she known? Why didn’t she tell me? All these thoughts were swirling around in my head, but one thing was clear – she was leaving. I was losing my best friend. That was the truth. That was the day I
learned that sometimes the truth stings.

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